
Halykoo image advertising

Главная » Plot Halykoo image advertising Target Agency task was to develop Halykoo image advertising to build concise communication with the target audience.  The mission was to create unique image with particular specifications: well recognized visual design, attractive to parents and desirable for kids. Contrad Swiss – is a company from Switzerland who produces wide [...]


“Glenspray with Azelastine” image advertising design

Главная » Plot “Glenspray with Azelastine” image advertising design Target Agency task was to develop “Glenspray with Azelastine” image advertising design. It was important to create bright conceptual image to get rid of other market competitors, those who produce nasal spray allergic rhinitis treatment. New image considered to emphasize medicine especial characteristics – its speed [...]


«Ascoril» image advertising design

Главная » Plot «Ascoril» image advertising design Target Develop creative concept for medical representative visits, image advertising for publishing, technically designed creative banner work out. Client strongly insisted on important features of future design. It must be memorable and convicting to eliminate consumer’s stereotypical attitude relating “Ascoril” medicine prescription and recipe necessity (same competitor’s products [...]


«Dioflan» medicine animation, video storytelling and casting design

Главная » Plot «Dioflan» medicine animation, video storytelling and casting design Target In the framework of product advertising campaign the agency task was to create video storytelling with combined scenes. “Dioflan” is a medical treatment produced for taking care of varicose veins. Professional actor was chosen to play scenery and we supposed to create its [...]


“BioGaia” probiotics advertising video design

Главная » Plot “BioGaia” probiotics advertising video design Target Agency task was to develop video about “BioGaia” medicine produced by Delta Medical Company and its treatment effect in accordance to previous informational booklet. “BioGaia” is considered to be biologically active substance with probiotics containing multiple ingredients which have the variety of medical impact on health: [...]


«Protalis» educational video design

Главная » Plot «Protalis» educational video design Target Create dynamic 4-5 minutes video with clear structure and prominent visual identity. Target audience includes doctors and their patients. Video supposed to discover detailed information about the polycystic ovaries syndrome disease (PCOS), which causes women infertility. Agency task was to perform «Protali»s as the main treatment and [...]


«Ksavron» image advertising

Главная » Plot «Ksavron» image advertising TARGET Agency task was to create emotional image of «Ksavron» innovation medical product to create an impact on preferable target audience – neurologists and anesthesiologists. Our aim was to disclose the only ischemic stroke therapy medicine on the market. It was important to create revolutionary but convincing image design. [...]
